Workshop: Embedded Linux on a RISC-V processor

RISC-V workshop

Online workshop: Embedded Linux on a RISC-V processor
16 September 2021, 9–12

Find the presentation material from the workshop here

SoC Hub will organize a free online workshop about setting up and running embedded Linux on a RISC-V processor. The workshop will provide a hands-on experience with a set of common build tools used in the Embedded Linux industry, using both emulators and actual hardware for development. No prior experience with embedded development is required, general interest and basic Linux experience is sufficient.

The hands-on training is limited to 50 persons. It is also possible to participate as a webinar attendee following the presentations without performing the exercises. There is no limitation for the amount of webinar attendees.

Those who register for the hands-on training will receive further participation information a few days before the workshop.

Register for the workshop by 13 September here

Registration is free.

About the programme:

The workshop begins with building Linux and an appropriate bootloader for a specific RISC-V chipset. The operating system build is then evaluated on an emulator, and same builds are also demonstrated on actual hardware. RISC-V specific details about the boot process are discussed during the demonstration. After building the operating system, participants are encouraged to try developing simple applications in C and running them on the emulator.


– Introduction
– Setting up the build environment
– Building a custom Embedded Linux distribution
– Running the built distribution on QEMU
– Questions
– RISC-V hardware Linux demonstration
– Running C applications in RISC-V
– Conclusions







SoC Hub is funded by European Regional Development Fund and Business Finland
