SoC Hub collaboration path

Participate in the public activities and education

Participate in the SoC Hub workshops, seminars, hands-on labs and open training events​. Participate in Tampere University's open university courses and free online courses​.

News & Events

Become a member of the special interest group

Share problems, ideas and opportunities with other members in semi-public spirit. Participants share their use cases to others and receive expert recommendations. Register as a SIG member by contacting SoC Hub coordinator.


Become a member of a public funded consortia R&D project

R&D project with common project plan, budget and allocated tasks with other partners. Share your knowledge and results with others. SoC Hub coordinates or is otherwise involved in several projects, and new projects are being planned as well. If you'd like to be involved too, take part in a project proposal and aquire new funding. What kind of project you would like to carry out?